2020-2025 global semi-trailer (semi-trailer) market forecast growth momentum, regional outlook
The Market Research Report Co., Ltd. added a detailed study of the “semi-trailer (semi-trailer) market”, listed in detail each market driving factor, and conducted a vertical business analysis. This “semi-trailer (semi-trailer) market” study will help find new business opp...Leugh tuilleadh -
Adams County semi trailer builder could lay off half of its workforce
MONROE, Ind. (WANE) — An Adams County semi trailer manufacturer is planning to lay off more than half of its workforce. Strick Trailers of Monroe said in a WARN Notice to the state that a “lack of solid, new customer orders” has forced it to consider the possibility of a mass layoff. Strick Trail...Leugh tuilleadh -
Adams County semi trailer builder could lay off half of its workforce
MONROE, Ind. (WANE) — An Adams County semi trailer manufacturer is planning to lay off more than half of its workforce. Strick Trailers of Monroe said in a WARN Notice to the state that a “lack of solid, new customer orders” has forced it to consider the possibility of a mass layoff. Strick Trail...Leugh tuilleadh -
New Mercedes-AMG E63 packs styling and performance tweaks
Mercedes-AMG has updated its hot E63 estate and saloon with a raft of changes designed to offer enhanced comfort for drivers without compromising performance. The newest version of the E-Class range-topper gains design revisions in line with the recent facelift rolled out across other models in t...Leugh tuilleadh -
Cleachdaidh agus obrachadh leth Trailers
Before using the new car, all external connections and fasteners must be inspected and tightened. Pay particular attention to whether the spring washers, cotter pins, and other locking installations are correctly and securely installed. 1. Connection of semi-trailer and tractor (1) Before ...Leugh tuilleadh -
Earalas airson leth-trèilear a 'cleachdadh
Earalas 1. 'chiad, seic a bheil an ionad fras as t-earrach an duilleach a bhriseadh, agus a bheil an duilleach as t-earrach tha teudan agus a bhriseadh. 2. sgriubha a 'sabaid len Boltaichean an trastain rèitichte slatan air an aghaidh agus cùlaibh axles. 3. dèidh dhut an wheelbase, leig an càr a 'dol' S cumadh-rathad airson ...Leugh tuilleadh -
Companaidh Naidheachdan
1. Pay aire gu sàbhailteachd nuair a sreap sìos is suas an t-fhàradh agus a 'coiseachd air an àrd-ùrlar. A rèir riaghailtean buntainneach nàiseanta, cuiribh chosg sàbhailteachd crios, clogaid agus eile acfhainn dìona a 'cur bacadh air dochann pearsanta adhbhrachadh le slipping agus tuiteam. 2. Às dèidh a 'dearbhadh nach eil p ...Leugh tuilleadh